How Does My Optical Benefit Work ?
Optical Benefit is provided by the (Irish) State in two different ways.
The Medical Card (HSE, Department of Health)
If you are aged over 16 and are entitled to a Medical Card you can claim Optical Benefit through your local Health Service Executive (HSE) Health Centre. They will provide you with the application form. Alternatively, you can call in to us at 179 Crumlin Road Dublin 12 to collect a form here or telephone us at 01 4542306 or 0868532931 or email and we will post out an application form to you. Once you have completed the application, you then need to send it in to your local office or return it to us and we will forward it on for you. The HSE will process the application and return the Authorisation to you. Once you have that, you can call us to arrange an appointnent.
PPS (PRSI) Benefit (Department of Social & Family Affairs)
If you are working and paying PAYE and PRSI, provided you have enough contributions, you may claim Optical Benefit from the DSFA. It works exactly like the Medical Card Benefit and wou are covered for the same things. Application forms are available from us (as above) or from the Department of Social & Family Affairs, St Oliver Plunkett Road, Letterkenny, Co.Donegal.
You can Call them on Lo Call 1890 400 400 or locally in Dublin at 01 874 8444.
What Am I entitled to ?
Under both schemes, you are entitled to an eye examination and either a pair of distance spectacles and a pair of reading spectacles OR a pair of bifocal spectacles made up to the standard (Class 1) frame - completely free of charge.
If you wish to opt for more expensive frames, lenses, coatings etc., then you would have to pay the extra cost yourself.
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